Finding Private Rented Accommodation

Renting from a private landlord

Finding a home in the private rented sector is often quicker and more convenient than joining a waiting list for social housing.

  • You’ll be able to move in quickly
  • You can choose where you live within our district, and you can move to a different area if you want
  • There are many different types of property available and as long as you can afford the rent you are not restricted by the rules on size of property applied to social housing.
  • Properties are usually decorated and carpeted and may come with a fridge, freezer and washing machine; this is rarely the case with social housing
  • Tenancies are more flexible if you don’t want to be tied to one property for a long time
  • If you’re on a low income, you may be entitled to help with housing costs to cover some or all of your rent

The How to rent checklist has lots of information about the rights and responsibilities of private rented tenants and landlords.