Cherwell District Council has received the initial analysis from its 2050 Banbury Vision survey, which closed in January.
Published: Wednesday, 20th March 2024

The survey, designed with its partner Hemingway Design, asked Banbury residents, businesses and visitors what they liked, what could be improved and what things Banbury needed to make it a better place in the future.
The survey received an impressive 2,729 responses with the largest number being from people between 45 and 64 years old. Those under 25 made up 10 per cent of the responses, enabling the council to hear directly from young people. Workshops attended by 150 people from local schools, businesses, and community groups also formed part of the engagement. This feedback will help inform and contribute to a new vision supporting Banbury’s town centre to flourish through to 2050. The final report is expected in late Spring.
Councillor Donna Ford, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, said: “We are extremely grateful to everyone who took the time to get involved, whether completing the survey or being part of a workshop. We appreciate the effort and are delighted to have received such an overwhelming response.
“The initial analysis provides insight from those who know Banbury best. We can see seven potential core themes from the survey responses for the focus of the vision for Banbury in 2050. These emerging themes would see a Banbury town centre that is vibrant, safe, clean, green, fun, independent and a great destination.
“While we await the full report, which will help us create the vision, we have already begun sharing these initial findings with our partners to start conversations around how we can work together to create a town centre fit for the future.”
Read the results of our public survey