Strategic Development Sites

Strategic Development

The Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out the consultation and engagement processes that will be used when the Council is considering Planning Applications.

For large-scale applications* details of the proposals, links to further information, including the opportunity to comment are provided here. 

Application Sites

Application Number: 21/03558/OUT

Location: Land On The North East Side Of Gavray Drive, Bicester

Proposal: OUTLINE - Residential development for up to 250 dwellings including affordable housing and ancillary uses including retained Local Wildlife Site, public open space, play areas, localised land remodelling, compensatory flood storage, structural planting and access

Application Online Register Link 

Application Number: 21/04275/OUT

Location: Part OS Parcel 8149 Adj Lords Lane And SE Of Hawkwell Farm, Lords Lane, Bicester

Proposal: OUTLINE - with all matters reserved except for Access - Mixed Use Development of up to 3,100 dwellings (including extra care); residential and care accommodation(C2); mixed use local centre (comprising commercial, business and service uses, residential uses, C2 uses, local community uses (F2(a) and F2(b)), hot food takeaways, public house, wine bar); employment area (B2, B8, E(g)); learning and non-residential institutions (Class F1) including primary school (plus land to allow extension of existing Gagle Brook primary school); green Infrastructure including formal (including playing fields) and informal open space, allotments, landscape, biodiversity and amenity space; burial ground; play space (including Neaps/Leaps/MUGA); changing facilities; ground mounted photovoltaic arrays; sustainable drainage systems; movement network comprising new highway, cycle and pedestrian routes and access from highway network; car parking; infrastructure (including utilities); engineering works (including ground modelling); etc

Application Online Register Link 

Application Number: 22/02866/OUT

Location: Land East Of Ploughley Road, Ambrosden

Proposal: OUTLINE planning application for up to 120 dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access off Ploughley Road, new pedestrian access to West Hawthorn Road, surface water drainage, foul water drainage, landscaping, public open space, biodiversity and associated infrastructure. Access off Ploughley Road is not reserved for future consideration


Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 22/03063/F

Location: Land East Of Larsen Road, Heyford Park

Proposal: Erection of 126 dwellings with access from Camp Road, provision of public open space and associated infrastructure.

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 22/01488/OUT

Location: OS Parcel 5616 South West Of Huscote Farm And East Of Daventry Road, Banbury

Proposal: Construction of up to 140,000 sq m of employment floorspace (use class B8 with ancillary offices and facilities) and servicing and infrastructure including new site accesses, internal roads and footpaths, landscaping including earthworks to create development platforms and bunds, drainage features and other associated works including demolition of the existing farmhouse


Application Online Register Link 

Application Number: 22/01682/F

Location: Land North Of Manor Farm, Noke

Proposal: Development of a ground mounted solar farm incorporating the installation of solar PV panels, associated infrastructure, and access, as well as landscape planting and designated ecological enhancement areas.

Application Online Register Link 

Application Number: 22/01340/OUT

Location:Os Parcel 6124 East Of Baynards Green Farm, Street To Horwell Farm, Baynards Green

Proposal: Application for outline planning permission (all matters reserved except means of access (not internal roads) from b4100) for the erection of buildings comprising logistics (use class b8) and ancillary offices (use class e(g)(i)) floorspace; energy centre, hgv parking, construction of new site access from the b4100; creation of internal roads and access routes; hard and soft landscaping; the construction of parking and servicing areas; substations and other associated infrastructure.

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 22/01611/OUT

Location:Stratfield Farm, 374 Oxford Road, Kidlington, OX5 1DL

Proposal: Outline planning application for up to 118 no dwellings (all matters reserved except for access) with vehicular access from Oxford Road

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 22/00747/OUT

Location: Land At Bicester Road, Kidlington

Proposal: Outline planning application for the development of up to 370 homes, public open space (including play areas and woodland planting), sports pitches and pavilion, drainage and engineering works, with all matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) except for vehicular and emergency accesses to Bicester Road.

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 22/03873/F

Location: Land North And Adjacent To Mill Lane, Stratton Audley

Proposal: Installation and operation of a renewable energy generating station comprising ground-mounted photovoltaic solar arrays and battery-based electricity storage containers together with a switchgear container, inverter/transformer units, Site access, internal access tracks, security measures, access gates, other ancillary infrastructure and landscaping and biodiversity enhancements.

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 22/03877/F

Location: Hatch End Old Poultry Farm, Steeple Aston Road, Middle Aston, OX25 5QL

Proposal: Erection of three industrial buildings, replacement of former scout hut building and associated works

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 22/03883/F

Location: Land North Of 66 And Adjacent Water Eaton Lane, Gosford

Proposal: Development of 96 Dwellings (50% affordable housing), extension to Bicester Road Cemetery with associated access (from Bicester Road), open space, landscaping and infrastructure

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 23/00173/OUT

Location: Land South Of Green Lane, Chesterton

Proposal: Outline planning application for up to 147 homes, public open space, flexible recreational playing field area and sports pitches with associated car parking, alongside landscaping, ecological enhancements, SuDs, green/blue and hard infrastructure, with vehicular and pedestrian/cycle accesses, and all associated works (all matters reserved except for means of access)


Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 23/01586/REM

Location: Proposed Himley Village, North West Bicester, Middleton Stoney Road, Bicester

Proposal: Reserved Matters Application pursuant to Outline planning permission 14/02121/OUT for the erection of 123 dwellings (including 37 affordable dwellings), parking, landscaping and other associated infrastructure including the part discharge of conditions 12 (Building for Life 12), 13 (future climate risks statement), 14 (noise assessment), 16 (means of vehicular access), 17 (means of pedestrian/cycle links), 18 (Travel Plan), 19 (detailed surface water drainage scheme), 20 (carbon minimisation), 24 (pollution prevention scheme for surface water), 25 (biodiversity), 26 (hedges), 27 (Arboricultural Method Statement), 29 (Landscape and Habitat Management Plan), 30 (Construction Method Statement), 31 (Soil Resources Plan), 34 (Foul Drainage Strategy), 36 (Water Neutrality Strategy) and 37 (Site Waste Management Plan) at Phase 2A

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 23/01233/OUT

Location: OS Parcel 4347 East Of Pipal Cottage, Oxford Road, Kidlington

Proposal: Outline application (with all matters except access reserved for future consideration) for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of up to 800 dwellings (Class C3); a two form entry primary school; a local centre (comprising convenience retailing (not less than 350sqm and up to 500sqm (Class E(a))), business uses (Class E(g)(i)) and/or financial and professional uses (Class E(c)) up to 500sqm, café or restaurant use (Class E(b)) up to 200sqm; community building (Class E and F2); car and cycle parking); associated play areas, allotments, public open green space and landscaping; new vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access points; internal roads, paths and communal parking infrastructure; associated works, infrastructure (including Sustainable Urban Drainage, services and utilities) and ancillary development. Works to the Oxford Road in the vicinity of the site to include, pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, drainage, bus stops, landscaping and ancillary development

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 23/03073/HYBRID

Location: Phase 2 SW Bicester Kingsmere Parcel R East Of Ludlow Road, Bicester

Proposal: In FULL, the construction of an 82-apartment affordable extra care home (C2 use class) with associated openspace/green infrastructure, landscaping, car/cycle parking, service infrastructure (drainage, highways, lighting), engineering operations, creation of new vehicular access and re-instatement of existing access to footpath, and in OUTLINE, the construction of up to 14 residential (C3 use class) dwellings with associated landscaping, service infrastructure (highways, drainage, lighting)

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 23/03366/OUT

Location: Land Opposite Hanwell Fields Recreation Adj To Dukes Meadow Drive, Banbury

Proposal: Outline planning application for up to 117 dwellings and associated open space with all matters reserved other than access

Application Online Register Link

Application Number: 24/00657/OUT

Location: Yarnton Home And Garden, Sandy Lane, Yarnton, OX5 1PA

Proposal: Retention of existing garden centre and associated car parking, in a modified fashion. Outline application, with all matters reserved except for access, with retention of vehicular access from Sandy Lane (to serve new housing only) and creation of proposed new vehicular access from Begbroke Hill (to serve the remainder of the retained and proposed development). Proposed 10no. two storey dwellings accessed from Sandy Lane. Proposed new day nursery (approx. 90no. children) and proposed 120no. units of retirement living accommodation in two to four storey development. Proposed new two-tier decked car park to provide approximately 270no. car parking spaces, plus retention of existing car parking area in modified fashion, and staff car parking. Proposed 39no. cycle parking spaces for the garden centre, plus approx. 115no. staff and visitor cycle parking spaces across the site. Proposed landscaping, including public open space, and pedestrian and cycle links

Application Online Register Link

* Definition of Strategic Development (Table 7 page 23 of the SCI 2021)

  • Strategic Development Residential Development - Proposals for 100 dwellings or more
  • Commercial Development (Employment, retail and leisure) - Proposals where the application site measures 0.2ha or more
  • Other development (school sites, agricultural development) - Proposals where the application site measures 0.2ha or more
  • Mixed use development - The lower threshold of residential, commercial or other development.