Infrastructure and opportunities

HS2 business opportunities, links and contacts

HS2 Business engagement update - October 2021


Looking to grow your business? 'Meet the contractor' events coming up soon.

Construction on Britain’s new high-speed, low-carbon railway is well underway. Our stations and main works contractors are continuing their procurement as they deliver Phase One of the railway between Birmingham and London.

As the backbone of the UK economy, small and medium-sized businesses are in a prime position to step forward and bid for their share of over 250 packages of work which HS2’s construction partners and its subcontractors are set to release in the next 12 – 18 months. 

Details will be released at HS2’s annual supply chain event, ‘Meet the Contractor’, which will be held in November 2021. The event provides the opportunity for potential suppliers to meet with HS2’s seven joint venture contractors and find out about their upcoming procurements.

So why not join our virtual event including webinars, participate in round-table discussions and apply to have a 1-2-1 meeting with our contractors. For the first time, you’ll also be able to engage with our current subcontractors. Get involved in this once-in-ageneration national infrastructure project and see how your business can benefit.

For further information and to register for these events, just click here

Further information


Telephone: 24/7 Freephone Community helpline on 08081 434 434
Minicom: 08081 456 472

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