Homes in Bicester

Delivering a range of desirable and innovative new homes in planned, healthy communities.

Bicester’s population is set to double to around 50,000 residents during the Garden Town project. More than 10,000 new homes are due to be built in Bicester by 2031 in accordance with the Local Plan. A further 3,000 homes are identified to be built from 2031 onwards at North West Bicester.

Houses at Elmsbrook in North West Bicester

An Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) reviews progress of Local Plans and includes monitoring information on employment, housing and natural environment.

The Local Plan allocates sites for development in Bicester, with the majority of the homes being built in: North West Bicester (including Elmsbrook); Graven Hill; South West Bicester (Kingsmere); South East Bicester and Gavray Drive.

Each site offers different housing options, with choices ranging from traditional new build homes in Kingsmere, innovative zero-carbon living in Elmsbrook to the freedom and originality of a self-build at Graven Hill.