Animal Licences

Apply for a licence

Before you apply 

Please read our Privacy Notice before making an application.

You should also read the guidance notes on GOV.UK website.

Document you will need to complete your application

You will need to upload digital versions of the following documents in order to complete your application:

  • A plan of the premises you use
  • Insurance policy
  • Operating procedures
  • Risk assessments (including fire)
  • Infection control procedure
  • Qualifications
  • Training records

Fees and application forms

If you are applying for a new licence for breeding dogs, selling animals as pets, hiring out horses or exhibiting animals, we will also arrange a vet inspection.

Riding schools will be inspected by a vet annually.

We will recharge the applicant or licence holder for all costs incurred in arranging the inspections (including the vet fees).

Licence Type and application form Fees from 1 April 2024
Animal boarding for cats and/or dogs  £460.35
Selling animals as pets £460.35 + vet fee (if required)
Dog breeding £460.35 + vet fee (if required)
Hiring out horses £460.35 + vet fee 
Keeping or training animals for exhibition £460.35 + vet fee (if required)
Zoo Licence - please email
for further details and application form. 
£687.50 + vet fee (if required)