Electoral register and registering to vote

The electoral register is a list of everyone who is allowed to vote at election time. If you’re not on it, you won’t be allowed to vote.

During August each year we contact every household in the district to check the details of who is registered to vote, this is the annual canvass.

Every time you move house, you must update your details - it only takes about 5 minutes and you will need your national insurance number.

The general election is taking place on Thursday 4 July 2024. It is now too late to register to vote in this election, the deadline was 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024. You can continue to use the online service to update your details if you have moved house or changed your name, but the changes will not take effect until after 4 July. 

Update your details

Sometimes we may need extra information before we can confirm you are on the register. We will write to you and tell you if we need anything from you.

If you are not sure whether you are registered, you can call us on 01295 227005, or email elections@cherwell-dc.gov.uk and we can check for you.

If you serve in the forces, live abroad or need to remain anonymous for safety reasons - find out how to register

What happens after you register?

Once you are on the register for your address, you’re allowed to vote. We have to write to every household once a year to check who is living there, this is called the annual canvass. Other than that you don’t have to do anything to keep your right to vote.

The register isn’t just used for elections purposes. Find out more about the full and open versions of the register.

For support on voting if you have a disability, please click here.