People in north Oxfordshire can now have their say on how social housing is allocated by Cherwell District Council.
Published: Tuesday, 6th August 2024

The authority has launched a consultation on changes to its allocations policy that are intended to better support domestic abuse survivors, people in emergency accommodation, and those in overcrowded homes.
A consultation has now opened and will run until Tuesday, 1 October.
Councillor Chris Pruden, Portfolio Holder for Housing, said: “It’s essential that we make the best use of the social housing that’s available in north Oxfordshire. We are therefore asking for people’s views on changes to the policy we use to process applications to the housing register.
“People are often in very challenging circumstances when they apply to us, so it’s vital that our policy allows us to respond to these. We want to give greater priority to people in emergency accommodation and provide more options to survivors of domestic abuse when they ask for our help.
“We’d also like people’s views on freeing up more of the largest social homes and raising the financial cap on housing applications to reflect the cost of renting privately.
“I hope lots of people have their say and help inform our vital work preventing homelessness and supporting our most vulnerable residents.”
People can have their say by visiting the council’s Citizen Space page before 1 October.