Invitation to have say on key housing site

Residents can voice their views on how new homes, infrastructure and places of work will be designed and built on an important site spanning Begbroke and Yarnton in the south of Cherwell district.

Published: Thursday, 23rd November 2023

Cherwell District Council is opening a consultation on a development brief which sets expectations relating to a 190-hectare site on Land East of the A44 (site PR8 in the Local Plan). Consultation runs until Wednesday, 20 December 2023.

The development brief seeks to ensure a comprehensive and well-planned approach to development, including 1,950 homes, new primary and secondary schools, and land for the potential expansion of Oxford University’s Begbroke Science Park.

It is one of the sites already allocated in the Local Plan to help fulfil Oxford’s unmet housing need and the council will require half of the new homes to be classed as affordable.

Councillor Dan Sames, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development, said:

"We always aspire that residential developments in our District should be attractive places for our residents. Healthy living is a fundamental consideration and we are looking for the PR8 development to be a national exemplar in healthy place-shaping. Encouraging walking and cycling will be a core aim that will be made easier with well-connected walking and cycling routes, both across the site and to surrounding neighbourhoods.

"In line with our policies for sustainable development, this brief includes measures to enhance the natural environment by designating a nature conservation area and local nature reserve. Publicly accessible open space and sports facilities will also be required so that residents can pursue an active lifestyle.

"We take the views of local residents seriously and want to hear from people living in Kidlington, Yarnton and Begbroke. I'd like to encourage residents to take a look at the proposed details and let us know their views."

The brief does not revisit the principle of development as this was established by the partial review of the Local Plan, which was adopted in September 2020.

It reflects possible future changes to the Sandy Lane and Yarnton Lane level crossings and explores possible active travel solutions.

The brief is currently in draft form and the comments received during the consultation will help inform the final brief.

The consultation is limited to views on the detailed content of the draft development brief, rather than the principle of development. People can have their say by visiting

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