Cherwell Bond Scheme

Cherwell Bond Scheme

The Cherwell Bond Scheme (CBS) helps local people in need of housing to access good quality and affordable privately rented accommodation.

CBS is for people who are at risk of homelessness and do not have enough savings to pay for a deposit themselves. We have a separate bond scheme for key workers called the Key Worker Bond Scheme.

How it works

Local landlords make their properties available for us to let at affordable rents through the scheme. When the property is let, we provide a bond to the value of 10 weeks’ rent in place of a cash deposit.

For tenants, this means you don't have to find the money up front to pay for the deposit, but you would have to repay us if any deductions are made at the end of the tenancy.

For landlords, the bond works just like a normal deposit (except it's 10 week's rent instead of 5), so landlords can claim from the bond for arrears and damage found at the end of the tenancy.