
Communications team

We aim to provide:

  • effective communications to all our residents, businesses, visitors, and journalists with an interest in the Cherwell district.
  • interesting and relevant information to the people of Cherwell to aid the delivery of the council’s Business Plan.

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An important part of our work is to act as the first point of contact and liaison between the council and the media.  All news and media releases are published on our website and urgent updates and on-going campaigns can be found on the council’s social media channels:

Social media monitoring

Our social media channels are monitored during normal business hours.

We welcome discussion of the council and its services on social media and will try, wherever possible, to answer your queries and pass on your feedback. However, we may remove postings that do not observe the following requirements and reserve the right to block users who are unable to abide by these conditions:

  • Be civil, tasteful and relevant
  • Do not post messages that are unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive
  • Do not swear
  • Do not post content for which you do not own the copyright
  • Do not post the same message, or very similar messages, more than once (ie don't spam)
  • Do not post other people’s personal information
  • Do not advertise products or services
  • Do not impersonate someone else

Contact Communications

Please email all enquiries to