
Our strategic transport function works to improve transport and support growth. We don’t have any statutory transport functions, these are held by Oxfordshire County Council.

Good local transport helps people to get where they want quickly and easily. We work with partners to provide modern, efficient and sustainable transport solutions.

Road network

Strategic transport ensures the road network is fit for purpose and national infrastructure projects reflect local requirements. We prepare strategies and proposals to support the wider objectives set out in our Business Plan.

Salting, gritting and snow clearance (Oxfordshire County Council)

OCC usually salt between 1 November and 31 March, but the season can be extended if the weather conditions require it.  The County Council is committed to keeping a network of major roads free from ice to minimise the risk of accidents and ensure the smooth flow of traffic. Precautionary salting (sometimes called 'gritting') helps achieve this aim.

You can also email with any queries.

Rail projects

East West Rail is a significant project that will benefit the national economy by establishing a strategic railway connecting the Thames Valley with the South East Midlands and East Anglia. Find out more about the East West Rail Project.

High Speed 2 (HS2) is a planned high-speed railway network that will increase capacity and connectivity across the Midlands and the North. Phase One will link the cities of London and Birmingham. Find out more about the High Speed 2 (HS2) Project.

Walking and cycling

Walking and cycling ensure active and healthy lifestyles and reduce congestion. We will continue to support walking and cycling, which benefit the health and wellbeing of communities.