Including Everyone Framework

Inclusive services

Inclusive services - action plan

EDI2.01 Ensure information, website and digital services are accessible to all incl. digitally excluded
EDI2.01.01 Review all our digital services to identify any improvements needed to address any accessibility or inclusivity issues
EDI2.01.02 Introduce a guide and training module for staff on writing clearly, in plain English and with the audience and accessibility rules in mind.
EDI2.01.03 Review our translation and alternative formats policy and its current application to identify any improvements needed.
EDI2.02 Take action to make our buildings accessible to all residents and staff
EDI2.02.01 Include building accessibility as an objective in our emerging Property Strategy.
EDI2.03 Better understand those using services and their needs by collecting information and feedback
EDI2.03.01 Agree an action plan for delivering improvements in the data we collect on customer contacts and how we use it to shape services and respond proactively to any emerging trends
EDI2.03.02 Ensure there is an effective process in place for monitoring complaints associated with protected characteristics
EDI2.04 Engage residents, those using services and community groups when planning services
EDI2.04.01 The EDI working group to review the draft framework for the consultation and engagement strategy
EDI2.05 Plan and deliver services that promote inclusion
EDI2.05.01 Ensure EDI is built into the service planning, decision and budget making processes in a meaningful way
EDI2.05.02 Ensure members have received up-to-date EDI training
EDI2.05.03 Ensure staff have received up-to-date EDI training