Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL Consultation of the Draft Charging Schedule 2024

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge which, if viably implemented, can provide a mechanism to help deliver infrastructure to support development.

We have produced a Draft CIL Charging Schedule which sets out the types of development that may be charged CIL, and the amount (charged per square metre) that these developments may be charged. 

We are inviting your views on our proposed rates for different forms of development, our approach to payment by instalments, and the evidence that supports the Draft CIL Charging Schedule. 

The public consultation on the Cherwell Draft CIL Charging Schedule will take place between 11 July 2024 and 24 August 2024. 

Representations must be received no later than the close of consultation at 11.59pm on 24 August 2024.

Link to online consultation

Any comments received will be made publicly available. Personal details will be protected although it may be necessary to disclose these to a Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State at a later date. Data will be processed and held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

The next step following this public consultation will be for the Draft CIL Charging Schedule to undergo a public examination by an independent person. Anyone responding to this consultation has a right to request to be heard by the examiner. Such a request must be made in writing before the end of this consultation, and may be done by completing the relevant part of the response form.

Consultation documents

As a part of this consultation, you may also request to be kept informed of progress