Business Plan

Annual Service Delivery Plan

Our Plan

Our Annual Delivery Plan which sets out the clear priorities and objectives for the year, it establishes a clear direction for our Council on an annual basis in support of the vision, aims and ambitions of our Council as contained in the Council’s Business Plan.

As this is our Council’s initial Annual Delivery Plan, introduced during 2022/23, it is therefore intended to cover the period 2022 to 2024. The Annual Delivery Plan contains ten key Strategic Priorities which are identified below.

Response to the cost of living crisis

To respond to the rising cost of living challenges within our local communities, ensuring we co-ordinate our services and our partnerships to provide the most effective support to our communities.

Response to the Climate Emergency

The Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 this Council and many others recognised the importance of tackling the impending global ecological disaster by unanimously passing a climate emergency motion and has in place an action plan to reduce the Council’s direct impact on the environment. The Council has recently agreed to take forward a new strategy which will be developed with support from Members across the Council and through the contribution of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Promote individual well being and healthy communities

To support the well-being of our communities and develop a single strategy for physical, mental, social and cultural support promoting inclusion for all.

Support and facilitate a vibrant local economy

To ensure we have a clear strategy for the economic prosperity of Bicester, Banbury, Kidlington and our rural villages and communities including specific opportunities to regenerate and improve our Town Centres.

Right homes, right places - Local Plan

To ensure we have the right target for new homes and economic growth, in the right place, and protect our villages, communities and the environment through our Local Plan.

Work to prevent Homelessness

To support our residents into permanent accommodation that meets their needs and supports their forward journey in society.

Deliver in Partnership

To recognise the importance of working in partnership for our local communities. We will seek to strengthen our Local Strategic Partnership in Cherwell to help achieve improved outcomes for all our communities through improved co-ordination of our priorities with our LSP partners.

Deliver for and with our communities

Deliver effective and efficient services to meet the needs of our local communities now and into the future.

Medium Term Financial sustainability

To ensure the MTFS is balanced over the medium term and we provide value for money with our limited resources focused on the Council’s key priorities and maximise external investment into Cherwell.

Team Cherwell

To ensure the support and development of our organisation, through our staff, to support the aims and ambitions of our Council.