Appeal a planning decision

Planning Appeals

Appeal a Planning Decision

Appeals can be made for a number of reasons, but most are made because we have refused planning permission. 

Appeals must be made within six months of the date of the notice of decision, or within 12 weeks if the appeal is against a refusal of a householder application.

Only the person who has applied for planning permission (the applicant) has a legal right to appeal a planning decision. There is no third party right of appeal in England.

The applicant can appeal planning decision if:

  • No decision has been reached on the application within the statutory eight week (or 13 week) period;
  • The application is refused; or
  • The applicant does not agree with one or more of the conditions on an approval.

Appeal a planning decision

Public Inquiry Core Documents - Chesterton - Planning Ref: 23/00173/OUT - PINs Ref: APP/C3105/W/23/3331122

Chesterton, Land South of Green Lane - Core Documents

Location: Land South Of Green Lane, Chesterton

Proposal: Outline planning application for up to 147 homes, public open space, flexible recreational playing field area and sports pitches with associated car parking, alongside landscaping, ecological enhancements, SuDs, green/blue and hard infrastructure, with vehicular and pedestrian/cycle accesses, and all associated works (all matters reserved except for means of access)

Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/C3105/W/23/3331122, Planning Ref: 23/00173/OUT, Appeal Ref: 23/00103/REF

Public Inquiry Core Documents - Yarnton - Planning Ref:  21/03522/OUT - PINs Ref: APP/C3105/W/23/3329587

Yarnton, Os Parcel 3673 Adjoining And West Of 161, Rutten Lane, Yarnton, OX5 1LT - Core Documents

Location: Os Parcel 3673 Adjoining And West Of 161, Rutten Lane, Yarnton, OX5 1LT

Proposal: The erection of up to 540 dwellings (Class C3), up to 9,000sqm GEA of elderly/extra care residential floorspace (Class C2), a Community Home Work Hub (up to 200sqm)(Class E), alongside the creation of two locally equipped areas for play, one NEAP, up to 1.8 hectares of playing pitches and amenity space for the William Fletcher Primary School, two vehicular access points, green infrastructure, areas of public open space, two community woodland areas, a local nature reserve, footpaths, tree planting, restoration of historic hedgerow, and associated works.

All matters are reserved, save for the principal access points.

Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/C3105/W/23/3329587, Planning Ref:  21/03522/OUT, Appeal Ref: 23/00102/REF

Public Inquiry Core Documents - Heyford Park - Planning Ref: 21/04289/OUT - PINs Ref: APP/C3105/W/23/3326761

Heyford Park, OS Parcel 1570 Adjoining and West of Chilgrove Drive and Adjoining and North of Camp Road. - Core Documents

Location: OS Parcel 1570 Adjoining and West of Chilgrove Drive and Adjoining and North of Camp Road, Heyford Park.

Proposal: Outline planning application for the erection of up to 230 dwellings, creation of new vehicular access from Camp Road and all associated works with all matters reserved apart from access.

Public Inquiry Core Documents - Ambrosden, Land East of Ploughley Road - Planning Ref: - PINs Ref: APP/C3105/W/23/3327213

Ambrosden, Land East of Ploughley Road - Core Documents

Location: Land East of Ploughley Road, Ambrosden, OX25 2AD

Proposal: OUTLINE planning application for up to 120 dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access off Ploughley Road, new pedestrian access to West Hawthorn Road, surface water drainage, foul water drainage, landscaping, public open space, biodiversity and associated infrastructure.  Access off Ploughley Road is not reserved for future consideration